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27 Feb 2019
February 27, 2019 by David CaseDental Health

Teeth Grinding, Clenching & Bruxism

There is a good chance you have heard Dr. David Case or someone else at Family Dental Health mention the term ‘bruxism’ and discuss the problems it can cause for your oral health. At the office, we talk about a lot of technical dental stuff that doesn’t necessarily concern our Portland patients, but bruxism is something we definitely want you to know about. Stress and bruxism go hand in hand, and we are going to tell you exactly what that means and how it affects your health.

Alright, we know you are on the edge of your seat! What is bruxism and why does it concern you? Well, how often do you find yourself clenching your jaw or notice others doing just that? Bruxism is a common condition characterized by jaw clenching and the grinding of teeth. It is perfectly normal to clench your jaw and grind your teeth from time to time, but it can be very damaging if it gets to be a regular habit. The biggest issue with bruxism is that people are rarely aware that they suffer from this condition, and left unchecked, it can cause a number of painful and inconvenient side effects.


13 Feb 2019
February 13, 2019 by David CaseDental Health

Why Wisdom Teeth Are Not So Wise

Most Portland folks have had some exposure to the concept of wisdom teeth. Perhaps you have had yours removed, are considering a removal, or Dr. David Case has just shown you an X-ray with the dreaded third molars creeping into view.

It’s common to hear patients ask how they are removed, but we rarely hear people talking about the reasons for getting rid of wisdom teeth. Today, we at Family Dental Health are going to explain what wisdom teeth are, why they don’t deserve to stay in your mouth, and how we can help!


27 Jan 2019
January 27, 2019 by David CaseDental Services

Cosmetic Dentistry: A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing

There is a law of nature that states: “function follows form.” This saying means that how something appears determines how it works. For example, you may own many screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes (form) to loosen all different kinds of screws (function). Think of a watering can with a long spout that’s perfect for pouring water right where you want it, versus one with a broad spout meant to cover large areas more quickly.

When you think about it, this principle also applies to your smile. A mouth with missing teeth isn’t nearly as functional as a mouth with a full set of chompers. Enter: cosmetic dentistry. While the word “cosmetic” makes these treatments sound optional, many times they are necessary to improve physical function or mental and emotional well-being. Read more from Dr. David Case to learn about cosmetic dentistry and the positive impact it can have on your life.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry


13 Jan 2019
January 13, 2019 by David CaseDental Health

Can You Treat a Toothache at Home?

When you’re suddenly struck with a toothache, floating ideas of home remedies may quickly come to mind. Whether you heard it from your great-aunt or saw it on Pinterest, at-home treatments are everywhere. Portland dentist Dr. David Case can explain more about how to care for a toothache and when to come in for a visit.

Common causes of toothaches are infections, cavities, damaged enamel, a cracked tooth or an exposed root – all good reasons to get yourself to the dentist! Home remedies for a toothache may work for immediate relief, but they’re not likely to last long, and they may not be completely safe.

If you like using household ingredients for personal care, you may look into your own pantry for something to relieve the pain, but do your research prior to use–and before things get too out of hand, call your dentist to prevent worse pain or problems.


27 Dec 2018
December 27, 2018 by David CaseDental Health

Teaching Your Kids to Brush & Floss

As a parent, you will have numerous opportunities to teach your children valuable skills and each one will yield priceless memories. Your child’s first step, your child’s first word, your child’s first bike ride, your child’s first unassisted brushing and flossing session…well, maybe that last one won’t be as memorable, but Family Dental Health wants to remind Portland parents that good oral hygiene habits begin in childhood. So, today, Dr. David Case would like to take this opportunity to give you some tips on teaching your kids to brush and floss.


13 Dec 2018
December 13, 2018 by David CaseDental Health

Oral Health Tips at Every Age

A few things are equally important for your oral health, no matter what your age or stage of life. Good nutrition, brushing and flossing habits, visiting the dentist and a little fluoride are always (always) the essentials – you won’t ever hear us say otherwise.  However, your dental hygiene routine requires unique considerations for each new season of growth and maturity. Read below as Portland dentist David A. Case, DDS shares what is especially important knowledge to maintain your oral health throughout your life. You may be surprised at what he has to say!


27 Nov 2018
November 27, 2018 by David CaseDental HealthPatient Care

Soft Food Recipes – What to Eat After Dental Work

You did it! You got the consultation, booked the appointment, and you actually showed up on the big day. You saw the dentist and now all that has left you hungry! The question is: what can you eat after having dental work done? You need some soft food recipes!

For some of us, it’s nostalgic to remember having a frozen treat after the dentist when we were kids. Depending on how extensive your dental work is (be cautious of what you consume in the days following major dental work!), you’ll find that milkshakes only get you so far.

Many foods can be troublesome after dental surgery or extensive dental work. Ask Dr. Case for recommendations about specific foods and how long you should avoid them. Family Dental Health in Portland can be an especially helpful resource for patients navigating what to eat after dental restoration services. Here are some soft food recipes that will treat your mouth and your body well.


13 Nov 2018
November 13, 2018 by David CaseDental Health

Fun Dental Facts – Did You Know?

Dentistry is serious medicine, and daily oral hygiene is a top priority. But teeth can be pretty fun, too—not to mention fascinating. For starters, have you ever seen the full sets of baby teeth and adult teeth present in a child’s head x-ray? Go ahead, look it up. There are tons of interesting dental facts out there!

Family Dental Health in Portland treats our patients professionally and joyfully—our team thinks teeth are cool. Take Dr. Case’s word for it, there’s much to learn and admire about even the most average set of teeth.


27 Oct 2018
October 27, 2018 by David CaseDental Health

Don’t Get Kicked in the Teeth – At Least Wear a Mouthguard

According to the American Dental Association, at least 13% of all injuries to the mouth occur during sports activities. While helmets, shoulder pads, shin guards, and the like do a great job of protecting most of the body, Dr. Case would like to make sure that every athlete knows how to keep their teeth safe from harm. No Portland parent should have to worry about their child’s teeth during games, so at Family Dental Health we would like to talk about how to take sports safety to the next level.


13 Oct 2018
October 13, 2018 by David CaseDental Health

Gum Disease – More Than Just Gums

Your Mouth: A Picture of Health

Did you know that when a dentist looks at your mouth, they can tell a lot more than just how often you’re brushing? It’s true: your oral health is like a window into your lifestyle and habits. Dr. Case at Family Dental Health should know. We’ve seen mouths from all over Portland in our office!

If you’re not taking care of the rest of your body, your gums will give it away. Hormones, sickness, stress, diet, smoking, prescription medicine, and more can all affect your gum health, and that goes both ways. If you don’t take care of your gums, the consequences will stretch beyond just your mouth. Unhealthy gums can lead to an unhealthy heart, diabetes, pregnancy complications, memory problems, tooth decay, and more.


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