Bad Breath: When Morning Breath Becomes Halitosis
It’s often said that a true friend will tell you if you have bad breath. Bad breath, formally known as halitosis, is embarrassing and can hold you back from truly enjoying your life and social situations. Like a good friend, Portland dentist Dr. David Case will tell it to you straight. Read more below to determine what to do about your bad breath.
Is Bad Breath Normal?
Yes. Sorry. But some bad breath is just unavoidable. Moderate and occasional bad breath is caused by the normal breakdown of foods for digestion. Most people don’t wake up with minty fresh breath because bacteria build up in your mouth overnight while you are sleeping. Keep normal bouts of bad breath at bay with good oral hygiene, by drinking plenty of water, and by chewing sugar-free gum containing xylitol.
Lifestyle vs. Medical Causes of Bad Breath
Your lifestyle or daily habits may cause you unusually bad breath. There are some things you can do every day to keep bad breath at bay:
- Brush your teeth twice a day (and don’t forget your tongue!)
- Floss once a day
- Keep dentures & other oral appliances clean
- Stop smoking
- Eat a healthy diet including a variety of foods and enough calories
- Avoid odorous foods like coffee, garlic, and onions