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13 Dec 2019
December 13, 2019 by David CaseDental Services

Dentistry for Kids: What the Tooth Fairy Won’t Tell You

Babies and kids are constantly growing and changing, and their mouths are no exception! Throughout childhood, kids lose their baby teeth, gain adult teeth, and they begin to take ownership of their own oral health. From brushing to braces to practicing their smiles, oral health is important for every kid at every stage. Read on for tips to help keep your kid smiling for life—we know you love to see your child smile, and so does Portland dentist Dr. David Case!

Caring for Kids’ Teeth

Your child’s first teeth—often called “baby teeth”—make their momentous early arrival and continue to serve many purposes until they fall out and are replaced by adult teeth. Baby teeth hold a place in the jaw, paving the way for the adult teeth to grow in properly.  Kids who develop cavities are more likely to develop them later as adults. Don’t dismiss the importance of oral health for kids, even though there’s so much transition in their mouth in these early days.

Basic oral health for kids includes brushing and flossing twice a day. Be sure your child is brushing long enough (and having some fun) by playing a favorite song that’s roughly two minutes long to brush along to. Very young children may still need help and supervision to be sure they’ve thoroughly brushed all their teeth. But don’t wait to teach your kid how to do this on her own—kids are more likely to participate if they feel empowered and valued in the process.

For kids 3 and up, fluoride toothpaste is safe and recommended for the best tooth care and prevention. Kids need good nutrition for growing, healthy bodies—teeth and gums included! Serve meals with lots of vitamins and minerals and make sugary snacks and drinks a rare treat to prevent cavities and tooth decay. And of course, take your child to see the dentist twice a year for checkups and professional cleanings.

Care for Every Occasion


27 Nov 2019
November 27, 2019 by David CaseDental HealthDental Services

Are Your Teeth Safe from Coffee Stains?

First things first, put your worries away! We are not about to tell you that your coffee drinking days are over. We know that each shot of caffeine is crucial and we cherish our coffee, too! Here at Family Dental Health, we want to educate you on what causes coffee stains and what you can do to fight them.

It’s no secret how Portland residents feel about their coffee, and we’re not about to get in the way of that love. However, we will help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful[LINK]  with tips that won’t drastically affect your lifestyle. Dr. Case and the rest of us at Family Dental Health are your oral health allies!

So let’s start off with the basics. Why does coffee stain your teeth?

Coffee is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to stained teeth, and the discoloration can be so bad it mimics cigarette stains. So what’s the secret? What can you do to keep your teeth shiny, but still get your caffeine fix?

Coffee and its Active Ingredient: Caffeine

It is best for your oral and overall health to keep your coffee consumption to a safe limit. Excessive caffeine, regardless of the source, spells negative effects for your heart and stomach and can lead to serious health problems over time. That being said, we won’t tell you to do anything crazy, like quit drinking coffee.

Guard Your Teeth Against Coffee Stains with These Three Tips


13 Oct 2019
October 13, 2019 by David CaseDental Services

Dental Bridges 101

A hole in your smile is never a positive thing. It negatively affects physical appearance, eating, speaking, and your overall sense of confidence and well-being. Let Family Dental Health bridge the gap between where you are with your smile and where you want to be!

A missing tooth or teeth can also cause jaw pain and bite misalignment. Without a full set of teeth, your other teeth tend to move into the empty space, causing unnatural alignment in your bite and jaw—which can be very uncomfortable and can lead to bigger headaches and TMJ/TMD problems.

Portland dentist Dr. David Case shares how each tooth plays an important role in your health and everyday life, and how dental bridges can restore your smile and the function of your teeth.

Types of Bridges

Depending on your needs, there are three common kinds of dental bridges that your dentist may recommend. The difference between each type of bridge is how they are installed and secured.


13 Sep 2019
September 13, 2019 by David CaseDental Services

Bonding: A Perfect Smile is Always in Style

Whether you’ve never been thrilled with your smile, or it lacks the luster it once had, dental bonding is a multipurpose cosmetic and restorative dental procedure that can be performed on patients of all ages. Bonding has the capability to fill gaps, correct damage, and refurbish the overall structure and look of your teeth. Family Dental Health wants every patient to feel good about their smile, but if you feel less than confident in yours, we may recommend a simple and affordable treatment called dental bonding.

What is the Bonding Procedure?

There are two different types of dental bonding: direct composite bonding and adhesive bonding. Adhesive bonding attaches a separate restoration to a tooth, so that type of bonding is used for veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays. This article will focus on direct composite bonding, which is its own minimally invasive smile makeover procedure—and the one most people think of when they hear the terms “bonding” or “dental bonding.”

Dental bonding is a noninvasive treatment where tooth-colored material—either composite resin or a modifiable ceramic—is applied directly to the teeth. Once complete, the bonding procedure restores and rejuvenates the teeth, both in appearance and in structure. Unless bonding is being used to correct decay, the procedure rarely requires anesthesia and can be performed in a single dental appointment!


13 Aug 2019
August 13, 2019 by David CaseDental Services

Veneers – Not Just for the Silver Screen

There’s a lot of hair and makeup that goes into making your favorite stars sparkle on the screen. And while we can’t all hire a professional artist to make us look perfect every day, there is a lasting solution to giving you that perfect Hollywood smile – veneers! Portland dentist Dr. David Case is an experienced and trusted provider of veneer treatments.

What are Veneers?

Veneers are a very strong, paper-thin cover over your teeth. They look just like real teeth, but even better. Veneers are often used to improve the look of teeth with spacing and alignment issues or staining problems. They can be applied wherever needed, on one tooth or a whole set.

Which Celebrities Have Veneers?


13 Jul 2019
July 13, 2019 by David CaseDental Services

Mouthguards – Do They Really Work?

Sore jaw? Restless nights? Play sports? If any of these apply to you, you might be surprised to hear that you could use a mouthguard!

Functions of Mouthguards

Mouthguards are solid pieces of plastic that keep your teeth and jaw in a specific resting position. The basic function of a mouthguard is protection. Mouthguards help prevent accidental mouth injuries, ease pain from grinding your teeth, and can even help patients with trouble sleeping.

They usually only cover the top row of teeth, but can sometimes be made to cover the bottom row too. You can buy a mouthguard pre-made, custom-made, or use the “boil and bite” method for something in the middle. Custom mouthguards from Portland dentist Dr. David Case offer the highest level of protection and the most comfortable fit, but no matter where you get your mouthguard, actually wearing it is the most important part.

Types of Mouthguards


27 Jun 2019

Dental Crowns 101

Sometimes in life, you just need a do-over. That’s precisely what dental crowns are—a new start for your tooth.

Teeth are important players in your life! They’re not only the first responders for your digestive tract, but they can make a great first impression – so you deserve a beautiful, fully-functioning set. If your teeth need a real makeover, a crown might be just the thing you need.

A crown is a custom-made shell that fits perfectly over your natural tooth. Crowns look and act exactly like your original tooth – but better. Crowns restore broken and badly decayed or discolored teeth. Crowns also top off dental implants and build dental bridges.

 Dr. Case, Portland dentist at Family Dental Health shares what you need to know about getting a crown.


13 Jun 2019

Dental Implants – A Security System for Your Smile

Your mouth is an intelligent system made to work with every piece doing its part. When you’re missing a tooth, the empty spaces are more than unsightly; they can be dangerous. Your other teeth, your gums, and even the bones in your face rely on you having a full smile.

Enter: dental implants. Thanks to improved technology, you can replace a single tooth or a whole row of teeth quickly and effectively. Dental implants can improve your overall oral health and are now considered the gold standard in tooth replacement technology.

Dr. Case at Family Dental Health in Portland offers professional placement and restoration of dental implants[LINK], so let us tell you more about them and how they can help protect your greatest asset and secure your smile!


27 May 2019
May 27, 2019 by David CaseDental HealthDental Services

Oral Cancer – Prevention & Early Detection

Cancer is always a scary word—but it doesn’t have to be the last word. Equipped with good information and the best doctors, you can feel empowered to navigate whatever stands before you or your loved one.

Oral cancer is common, affecting approximately 50,000 Americans every year. If you have more questions about oral cancer, read more below from Dr. Case at Family Dental Health in Portland.

Signs of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is most common among people ages 41-60, and men are at a greater risk of developing it than women. Oral cancer can affect your tongue, cheeks, lips, sinuses, throat, teeth, gums, and roof of the mouth or below your tongue.


13 May 2019
May 13, 2019 by David CaseDental Services

Dental Friends with Benefits

At Family Dental Health, our goal is to make your dental visits as pleasant as possible. Part of this effort includes taking the complication out of utilizing your insurance benefits. Dr. Case knows there can be confusing terms and stipulations in insurance plans that can be a barrier between you and the care you need. We aim to remove that barrier by filing paperwork for our Portland patients and providing the details necessary for you to make the best decisions possible for your oral and overall health.

Am I covered?

Similar to medical coverage, there are numerous types of dental plans, typically with a focus on prevention. What does this mean? It means Dr. Case wants to keep your mouth free of infection and pain, and your smile bright and beautiful. If you are insured, your dental plan can help us achieve this goal. How? Usually with 100% coverage of preventive services, such as professional cleanings (known as prophylaxis in the dental world), x-rays, and checkups.

If your employer offers dental coverage, you might wonder if it’s worth buying into. We know the costs can seem steep, but when you consider how important your oral health is to your overall health, and the fact that you want to keep all of the teeth you have, its significance becomes a bit easier to recognize.


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