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27 Feb 2025
February 27, 2025 by David CaseBlogDental NewsPatient Care

Is My Child’s Loose Tooth Causing Them Pain?

If you’re a parent or you’re lucky enough to work with infants and toddlers, you know that teething is not the most fun phase they’ll go through. Teeth having to push their way through gum tissue sounds rough, so it’s no surprise that as it happens, your little one will likely be sensitive and in need of more soothing than usual.

Because welcoming those small pearls can feel like an arduous ordeal, you might wonder if losing them is difficult or painful, so let’s talk about it! 

Most children experience the loosening and wiggling of a baby tooth around the age of 6 or 7, beginning with which tooth was first to arrive (usually one of the lower front teeth). Unless there’s a sign of infection, like redness or swelling of the gums around the tooth, the process of it becoming more wiggly shouldn’t hurt.

More About this Milestone

If you’d like more assurance, we can explain how loose teeth should be treated and how you can help your child through what might feel like a scary process at first. 

If you’ve got any questions or would like to schedule a visit for your little one, contact your Portland dentist, Dr. David Case of Family Dental Health, today!

The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

13 Feb 2025
February 13, 2025 by David CaseBlogDental NewsPatient Care

How Do I Answer My Child’s Dental Questions?

Kids aren’t afraid to ask questions about everything under the sun; teeth are just one of the many mysteries they will ponder. At Family Dental Health, our pediatric patients come up with some of the most interesting questions we hear—and we hear questions all day! 

Most of the time, kids’ questions about teeth are fairly basic:

  • Why do I have to floss?
  • Do we have to brush our teeth every day?
  • Why do we use toothpaste?
  • Why do baby teeth fall out?

Sometimes questions are a little more interesting:

  • Do wisdom teeth make you smart?
  • Are teeth good for anything besides eating?

Portland dentist, Dr. David Case of Family Dental Health, can help you out when it comes to dental questions. We want to give kids the right information so they understand the reasons for consistent oral hygiene, which we hope sets a foundation for their future good health.

If your little one’s dental question has you stumped, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Family Dental Health

The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

27 Mar 2018
March 27, 2018 by David CaseBlogDental HealthDental News

Could Brushing & Flossing Prevent a Heart Attack?

A lot of healthy lifestyle choices benefit more than one system within your body. Eating well, exercising, good sleep, and fresh air all support a lot of your physical needs. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that what hurts one area of your health can easily hurt another area, too. An important (though less known) connection in your health systems is the connection between oral hygiene and heart health.


27 Apr 2017
April 27, 2017 by David CaseBlogDental HealthDental NewsPatient Care

Chocolate is Good for Oral Health – True or False?

Most of us were taught when we were kids that sweets like chocolate will rot your teeth. While this may remain true for some types of our favorite sweet snack, that doesn’t mean we have to take it off the menu all together. In fact, recent studies have found that dark chocolate, containing high percentages of cocoa, may actually be beneficial to your dental health. Dr. David Case at Family Dental Health wants Portland residents to know the facts so they can satisfy their sweet-tooth safely.

How does it work?

Dark chocolate is known to contain high levels of antioxidants, which work with our bodies to fight bacteria and disease. Dark chocolate can contain up to four times the amount of antioxidants found in green tea! High levels of antioxidants found in saliva have been proven to help fight periodontal, or gum disease, and slow tooth decay.


27 Mar 2017
March 27, 2017 by David CaseBlogDental HealthDental NewsPatient Care

Relief from Dry, Chapped, & Cracked Lips

We’re no strangers to extreme temperatures and dry weather in Portland, and our lips are proof. Most of us experience chapped lips at some point during the year and it’s not uncommon to see lips that suffer from annoying, painful cracks. Here at Family Dental Health we are very much attuned the oral health needs of Portland, so here are a few tips from Dr. David Case about how to keep your lips healthy, kissable, and free to eat and drink whatever you crave!

Do You Have Chapped or Cracked Lips?

If you have dry lips that are chapped, peeling, and/or cracked, you probably already know about it. However, here are some telltale signs:

  1. Sensitive or painful lips
  2. Smiling hurts
  3. You lick your lips often
  4. Your lips show clear signs of peeling or cracking
  5. You bleed from the corners of your mouth
  6. You have open sores or marks on your lips


13 Mar 2017
March 13, 2017 by David CaseBlogDental HealthDental NewsPatient Care

Dentists Are Doctors, Too!

There are many kinds of doctors – Doctors of English, Doctors of Philosophy, Doctors of Medicine, Dr. Pepper… (wink).

Of course, when we use the term doctor, we most often mean a physician or doctor of medicine. But did you know that dentists are doctors, too? Every doctor has a specialty, and a dentist’s specialty is oral health.

Dr. David Case, your Portland dentist explains how dentistry is a specific branch of medicine, and what it all means for the link between oral health and overall wellness.

Dentists Are Doctors

Dentists are every bit as trained and educated as physicians. They have the same general education in science as physicians before they get clinical training in dentistry. This background education helps dentists look at you, the whole package, when taking care of your teeth.


13 Nov 2016

The Importance of Dental X-Rays

X_Rays (1)The technology of dental medicine is advancing by the minute. There are now sophisticated techniques for diagnosing and tracking oral cancer, correcting crooked teeth in less than a year, treating periodontitis (advanced gum disease) without surgery, and many more. Yet, when it comes down to diagnosing issues and creating an effective treatment plan, nothing beats a fresh set of X-rays. Dr. David Case uses dental X-rays to see the whole picture, in order to keep your teeth healthy, bright, and beautiful. If you are a Portland resident with questions about how X-rays work, read on, and don’t hesitate to call Family Dental Health with any concerns.

What are X-rays?

X-rays have been around since 1895, when Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen first discovered that his cathode ray tube could penetrate black paper and cast shadows of solid objects. X-rays are on a shorter wavelength than visible light and pass through soft tissue in the human body, providing a detailed picture of what’s going on inside. Without X-Rays, the treatment of everything from cavities, to broken bones, to cancer, would be much more difficult. Beyond medicine and science, X-Rays have useful applications across many industries.

Why do I need X-Rays?


13 Sep 2016
September 13, 2016 by David CaseBlogDental NewsDental ServicesPatient Care

Dental Insurance FAQ: The Basics

Insurance_FAQWe at Family Dental Health understand that dental insurance can be a tricky thing to navigate. Evaluating dental plans and considering deductibles, benefits, which treatments are covered, and the mountain of other information insurance companies provide can be a headache in and of itself. Dr. David Case wants every Portland resident to have the power to control their own health, so here’s a simplified guide to the basics of dental health insurance. As always, if you have a question, don’t be afraid to give us a call!

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance is an excellent investment that helps Portland residents ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles. However, in order to get the best value from your dental insurance, there are a few things you need to know. Here are the answers to the most common questions we hear at Family Dental Health:

What is dental insurance?


13 Aug 2016

The Story of Caries Prevention

Caries (1)If we told you that your mouth is the site of a constant battle between teeth and bacteria, would you believe us? Alright, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but the fact that Portland teeth are always at risk of developing dental caries is no exaggeration. In case you’ve never heard about caries, Dr. David Case is going to take this opportunity to shed some light on what it is, how to stop it, and what Family Dental Health can do to help.

Dental Caries, Tooth Decay, and Cavities

What do dental caries and tooth decay have in common? A lot – actually, they are the exact same thing. When bacteria interact with carbohydrates as they are broken down in the mouth, they ferment and produce lactic acid, which eats away at the structures of the teeth. Considered the most prevalent chronic disease among adults and children, this condition is called dental caries, or tooth decay. Without proper care and regular dental appointments, the acid from bacteria will eat away the surface layer of the tooth, creating a hole, or cavity. In other words, dental caries (tooth decay) is the cause of cavities.

Caries Prevention


27 Jul 2016
July 27, 2016 by David CaseBlogDental News

Having Jaw Pain? The Importance of Teeth Alignment

AlignmentWhy Do My Teeth Need To Be Aligned?

The only reason people get braces is to improve their smile, right? Wrong! Occlusion, or the alignment of your teeth, is a crucial factor in the health and functionality of your entire mouth. It may not seem like anything more than a cosmetic issue, but malocclusion (misaligned teeth) can cause jaw pain, difficulty eating, jaw popping and more. Your mouth is a finely tuned digestive organ and even the slightest issue with teeth alignment could cause big problems.


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