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group of smiling friends with backpacks hiking
Has the flash of a smile ever caught your attention from across a crowded room? Has a smile ever been engrained in your memory long after the person has gone? It’s no secret that a healthy, beautiful smile is a powerful thing. At Family Dental Health, we want to help you unleash the power of yours with cosmetic dentistry.


Cosmetic bonding, or tooth bonding is the simplest, most cost-effective way to treat minor imperfections in your teeth. Dr. Case uses a tooth colored resin to paint over the surface of the teeth to correct cracks, breaks, chips, tooth color, and minor spacing or alignment problems.


Veneers are an increasingly popular cosmetic solution to correct a number of issues with a single treatment. Veneers can correct things like tooth color, shape, size, alignment, as well as cracks, breaks, and chips. Check out our Veneers page to find out how veneers can transform your smile, and your life!

Teeth Whitening

A professional teeth whitening is a simple way to transform your entire appearance and boost your confidence without doing anything drastic or costly. Rather than wasting money on over-the-counter whitening products that don’t deliver results, check out our Teeth Whitening page to learn how we can take years off your look with a simple whitening treatment.

Call your Portland Cosmetic Dentist today!

If you’re ready to find out what cosmetic dentistry can do for your smile and your life, you’ve come to the right place. If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, or would like to schedule an appointment with your Portland cosmetic dentist – Dr. David Case at Family Dental Health – give us a call today at (503) 977-3400.

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